Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > please help me!!!!!

please help me!!!!!

23 16:36:43

I have been trying to get information on my snails for about 6 months now. I picked them up in a small pond on a walking trail. I started out with just two, and I now have over thirty! I've been wanting to put some fish in with them, but all the information that i have found has only been about killing the snails with fish. I've been searching the Internet trying to figure out what kind of fish I may be able to put in with my wonderful snails without eating them.

                                         Thank You,

Hi Tuesday,
Most all fish can get along with snails. The exception is very large fish. But your average community tank fish which include- Tetras, Rasboras, Danios, Hatchetfish, barbs, Cories and other catfish, and other similar fish are all fine.

Some fish may nibble at the snails but those listed above usually leave the snails alone. Make sure to not overstock your tank with fish. I don't know what size tank you have your snails in but do some research on those fish I listed above and decide how many might be able to live with your snails.

Best of luck and I hope this helps!