Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Lump on my fish

Lump on my fish

23 16:55:04

QUESTION: My Gourami has developed a Large lump on his side. This is not externally like a growth or cyst. This looks like he swallowed an odd shaped marble and it's getting bigger. He hasn't eatin in days and stays at the top or bottom of the tank alot. He is fading Im sure. Please help me fast!!
ANSWER: Hello,

In order to help you with this problem, I will need some more information. First off, what color is the lump? Is it white and lumpy like cauliflower? If it is, it may be a fungus. Does it simply look like a part of the fish that has become mishapen? For example, is it the same color? Where is it located on the head? What other symptoms does he show?

If you can answer some, or all, of these questions, it should be able to help me diagnose the problem your fish is going through. If you would like to try and help him out before I get back to you, I recommend either adding aquarium salt or a combination of Melafix and Pimafix.

I hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi! Thanks for replying. The lump is no color at all, just the same as the fish and yes, quiet mishapen. The lump is on his belly region on one side and as a matter of fact it looks like it's coming more to a point like it might rupture. It's really poked out with that one spot on the lump looking like it's coming to a head. Another words, like at 1st it was just round like a marble, but now it's getting pointy. But it's his whole side of the belly that's enlarged. Sorry so wordy, but trying to paint that picture.
His symptoms are not eating, staying away from the other fish either at the top or bottom of the tank. He has been really slugish, but I did the Melafix alone for 5 days and did a 25% water change yesterday and today he is moving around more, but still not eating as well as the other symptoms staying the same.


If the Melafix seemed to cause come improvement then this may be a bacterial problem, and you may just need to try a stronger antibacterial. I recommend a product called Maracyn-2, which is a stronger antibacterial for internal infections. If possible, move him into a hospital tank for treatment.

Maracyn-2 is especially helpful for fish with internal infections who are not eating, so I think it may be beneficial to your fish. Make sure you use it for the entire recommended treatment time on the box, and if you see any improvement continue repeat treatments until your fish recovers. If you don't see any improvements after the first treatment cycle, you can give it another go or we can try and re-diagnose this issue.

I hope this helps.
