Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Little squigglies in my tank...

Little squigglies in my tank...

23 16:09:00

QUESTION: I did a 50% water change today in my 29 gal freshwater tank.  I have 3 Angelfish that are about 4 inches long.  After doing my water change.. I noticed little organisms that look like tiny pieces of thread squiggling on the surface.  I know that is not a technical term but that is the best description I have for you.  Any idea what they are?  Thanks for your help.

ANSWER: Hi Wendy:  If the look like small white worms and they are on the glass too... then they are planaria... if not let me know. Planaria are not a danger to your tank they basically come when there is too much biological matter in your tank... They are just going to keep your tank clean and they will go away when the extra food is gone... dave

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QUESTION: Hi Dave,  
Thanks for your quick answer;  I didn't notice them on the glass nor do I see them now that  the tank is full again.  I am however having some problems with clouding.  I have changed my filter, done the 50% water change,  vaccuumed the bottom of the tank and wiped down the divider screen.  My diptests say all levels are ok and I have even put in some stuff for clouding and nothing works.  Any ideas?  Thanks for your time and your knowledge.  Wendy

ANSWER: Hi Wendy:  A couple of things cause cloudy tank... sometimes it is that the filter itself needs to be cleaned not just the filter cartridges because sludge can build up in the bottom and then be whisked away by the filter action and that will cloud your tank.  Another possibility is that the tanks colonies of beneficial bacteria are multiplying and that is usually presented by a white/blue cloud in the water.  You can remedy this by making sure the filter is clean and by adding additional beneficial bacteria to your tank.  You can also use a water clarifier which will clot the particles together and they will be trapped by the filter....I would not use the clarifier if you think the cloud is caused by bacteria... dave

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QUESTION: adding additional beneficial bacteria to your tank....

How do I do this?   I already tried the clotting agent and it didn't work... Thanks for your help.


Hi Wendy:  there are two types of clarifiers... one does particle or non-biological agents and the other clots biological agents.  If your tank is white/blue cloudy then I would not add anything to the tank except more bacteria.  Bacteria can be purchased at the local fish store under the brand of CYCLE or NITROMAX... You can also ask them for dirty water which is essentially the same thing.... dave