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My Siamese fighting fish wont eat

23 15:41:45

I just bought my fish 4 days ago. When we first got him he was fine he ate and swam like normal etc.. but since yesterday afternoon and all today, I put a Pellet in and he either sucks it in and spits it out or he will swim up to it and Sniff it and swims off. He then will sit against the side of his bowel not swimming but not moving.. he also has been creating bubbles around the outside of his fish bowel (lots of them) I don't know if all this could it be that the pellets are too big? should I buy flakes maybe? I'm just a little worried.. If you could please help me out? it will mean allot. Thx :)
Ps. His tank is a small glass fish bowel we have used river pebbles and the tank contains a small plastic plant


Sorry your Betta is not doing well. Let's see if I can help you both out. First off, the Betta's should not be but in small bowls. Betta's need at least 1 gallon of water for every 1 inch he is in size. If the Betta is 2 inches long, he needs 2 gallons. Betta's get lethargic if their water temperature is too low. By lethargic i mean sitting on the bottom of the tank, or at the top, and not eating. Those are tall tale signs that the water is too cold.  Betta fish are tropical, so they need a heater set at least to 80 degrees. Mine are all get at 82 degrees.

Another reason is the tank might not have been cycled right. When you cycle the tank, you leave no fish in it. Run a sponge filter, a heater, the gravel and anything else that will be living with him and make sure you condition the water. Leave everything running for a minimum of 2 weeks, but sometimes i like to wait 3 weeks before introducing the fish

Try putting in a heater, that should bring him around. Any more question, feel free to ask

Good Luck