Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Newbie


23 16:02:09

I am looking for some colourful freshwater fish that will live in a 20-30 gallon tank that are easy to look after and are non aggressive. I also need to know the kind of plants i should be looking at to keep a healthy environment. Also is there any place i can get them from in England or will deliver to England?
I am a newbie at this are want to make sure im doing all the right things for these creatures.
Thanks Alot :)

Hannah x

You're asking me to essentially describe the entire aquarium hobby! :)

It would take days for me to really type out a good answer to this.

My advice would be to do some independent research. Use google, its a good tool. Google: basic aquarium care, aquarium cycling, starting an aquarium, beginners guide to aquariums, beginners guide to freshwater fish, and check out a good aquarium forum like the one below would be a good place to start. Picking up some books wouldn't hurt either.

You should be able to find a pet store near you. I believe UK has more fishkeepers per capita than any other European country so their should be pet stores in every city, or at least every major city.