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29 gallon tank questions

23 15:54:45


My tank
Hello, my name is Scott.  I have a 29 gallon tank with a top fin 30 filter(came with as a package deal)  I am currently cycling my tank.  I started out with a 10 gallon tank with 1 tiger barb, 1 long fin rosy barb, 1 albino tiger barb, and 2 green tiger barbs.  Well, I know youve heard it before, i was ignorant and didn't do my research and overstocked the 10 gallon tank before cycling. I desperately tried to save them by setting up the 29 gallon tank, but unfortunately, the damage had been done, and i  lost all but the rosy barb. :(  Im still in the nitrite cycle of the cycling process and im changing about 13% water (4 gallons) every 2 days and the rosy barb seems like she is doing well.  My question is, when my tank is cycled, what would i be able to stock the tank with that would get along with the long fin rosy barb(which wasnt too aggressive with the barbs that died).  I know that i can get more barbs and they could school, but ive been more interested in cichlids lately.  Are there any inparticular that would work well in my set up?  I didnt really like the semi-aggressiveness of the barbs and would prefer something a little more peaceful, but i do realize that i might have to go semi-aggressive to coexist with the rosy.  Also, since i have only one fish cycling the 29 gallon tank, im guessing i would be able to only add one fish at a time as long as my levels are good.  And finally, my tank has API aquarium salt in it to help with the stress the fish had, how to i properly introduce new fish to my aquarium that havent been kept in water with salt, will they be shocked, or will they be able to handle it? sorry such a long question, but I'm new to the fish keeping world and i want as much info as possible to keep my fish healthy and happy! thanks!

Hi Scott,
Most cichlid species do tend to be on the semi-aggressive to aggressive side. A group of rosy barbs generally aren't too harsh of a fish in my experience but they do usually have just the right temperament to handle most semi-aggressive and not-to-territorial cichlids. Most all community species will also get along well with rosy barbs. Tetras, rainbows, danios, catfish, gouramis, rasboras, ect...

With your 29 gallon you could definitely go for the small/medium size calmer cichlid species like Keyhole cichlids, Acaras, Angelfish, Firemouth cichlids, Blue rams, bolivian rams.

And you are definitely right on about stocking the tank slowly and gradually as long as your tank's water parameters turn out good with no ammonia or nitrites.

Many many aquarists including myself don't ever use aquarium salt as a regular maintenance addition to the tank water. Its simply not necessary and its been found (despite some sources still pushing for it) that the fish thrive wonderfully well without it. Its much more important to maintain a clean aquarium with plenty of partial water changes and reserve salt use for only when your fish are ill with a bacterial or fungal infection. And some species like catfish and loaches can't tolerate salt very well.
I feel it would be best to start doing 20-30% water changes and making the replacement water without salt for now to keep your aquarium 'saltless'.

Lovely tank by the way! I can tell the lone rosy barb is always on the move! Typical of these fish that never slow down!

I hope this helps!