Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > upgrading fish size, still need to cycle?

upgrading fish size, still need to cycle?

23 16:36:27

i recently updated my 10 gallon tank to a 20 gallon tank, i used the same filter (filters up to 20 gallons) all the same decorations and added some new gravel but used all the same old gravel without washing any of it. i was wondering if my tank is going to still go through a "cycle" (i only have one yellow electric lab in the tank.)

Hi Katie
Everything you did sounds perfect!  It may go through a mini cycle, but I'd be surprised if it did-assuming nothing dried out.  Just monitor the water parameters though just in case.  And if it does, it should be minor and shouldn't last too long.  

Good luck with the new tank!
