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water temp.

23 15:56:28

thank you for getting back to me about my problems which we are trying to
solve-listless golden fantail,black moor-we are trying what you suggested-
another thought came to me-what temperature is needed for these two
species? Our tank is only room temperature and I wondered if huddling at the
bottom may be for warmth?  Do we need a heater? Our room has air
conditioning running- or is the motion from the filters output creating too
much of a flow problem? You mentioned conditioning the water we use, I am
so new to this I need to know what to do to condition the waster. Thanks
again, Scott (absolutely great of you to help others with our problems).

Hi Scott

Goldies like Fantails and Black moors do well at room temperature actually. Upper 60's to upper 70's are fine. And they can tolerate extremes on both end quite well but its better to maintain a reasonable temp.
A heater usually isn't needed.

Conditioning the water basically means just using a water conditioner (which you probably already do) that removes chlorine and chloramine like Amquel+, Prime, Stresscoat, ect...

Bottom sitting usually means there is a water quality issue. So be sure to do those water changes!!

See here also-

Poor fellas I do hope they improve!