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Pregnant or Not ??

23 16:48:39

When my husband and I were cleaning out the fish, tank we were surprised when we found a baby fish. We had not idea that one of our fishes had babies. Now we have noticed that our african fish is acting a little strange we are not sure if she is pregnant or not because she is always trying to run other fish away and is always in one certain spot, as if it were hiding, and she seems to have a pouch, or is just gaining weight. Please help I wouldn't know how to take care of it. And can you please help me in trying to compare the male and female. And my last question to you is how do fish actually have babies??

Hey Iris,

this question could fill an encyclopedia.

for starters, lets try to keep this very basic, mild, and to the point.

Fish birth two ways.

Live bearing fish such as mollies, platies, swordtails, and guppies give birth to live young every 4-8 weeks.
egg laying fish are basically everything except the ones above. They can mate on an annual schedual, or intervals of time. the best way to know if a female is pregnant, is to google images of pregnant females of that spec.

Because there are literally millions of different fish, it's impossible to generalize characteristics of a mommy.

care for fry is fairly simple. keep the water quality good, keep the larger fish away, and feed it food small enough for it to eat, give it lots of places to hide, and be sure to feed it atleast twice daily.

since you didnt specify what kind of fish you have, or what the fry looks like, i cant dig too much into specifics, but i'd be glad to fill in any gaps if you'd be able to provide the needed info! best wishes, and take it easy