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Am I doing it right?

25 9:00:34

Hi Stephanie!
   I purchased a 44 gallon corner aquarium last Monday (10/16) and set it up that day. I have a Fluval 305 (260 GPH Flow) Canister Filter set up, as well as two bubble walls spanning the backside of the aquarium. I added four Blue miniature Gouramis on Wednesday and they've been doing great. They swim fast, "chase" each other for fun, and come to feed immediately when I open the roof of the cover. However, I'm somewhat concerned with my tank because I haven't experienced the cloudiness period that I've read is necessary for establishing the tank's biosphere. I did treat my tank with de-chlorinator, added some stress coat before the fish arrived, and added Nutrafin Cycle to my tank to help establish bacteria. Additionally, I have good aeration and lots of bubbles, so I can see tons of small bubbles at every level of the tank. I also have a Ph and Ammonia monitor in the tank. I just wanted to make sure I was doing everything right and wanted to make sure it was ok that I haven't seen the cloudiness in my tank yet. I would also like to add live plants in lieu of fake ones. I have read some sources that said to put them in right away, whereas other sources state not to add them immediately. Which is right and when would you recommend adding more plants? How about more fish? I thank you in advance for your assistance!  


Cloudiness is not an essential part of your aquarium's cycling period. In fact, it is much better if it does not occur, because it can mean a build up of bad bacteria. So you are on the right track with your tank.

Also, I recommend waiting until the cycling period is over before adding your plants. That way dead plant matter won't cause spikes in ammonia or nitrites.

I hope this helps!
