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10 gal tank probs

23 16:09:41

Hi Should I wash the aquarium plants every time I do a partial cleaning? Im doing this for the 1st time.I have a 10 gal tank and 3 mollies,4 neons,1 serpae,1 guppy.Ive started feeding every other day and still keep getting high ammonia readings.Ive done quite a few partial cleanings.Its getting very discouraging but I really dont want to give up.I know they say 4-6 weeks for the cycling process to complete,so I was thinking maybe all the artificial plants could be dirty,they look clean,and I have scrubbed the 2 small decorations where they hide.Thanks so much for your time.

Hello connie,

You have high levles because you have to many fish in your small ten gallon fish tank. The rule is a 1 inch of fish to 1 gallon of water and the number of fish you have with their size would break that rule. But that is why you would get high ammonia levles as well as cloudy water and more.

Michael M.