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is my goldfish pregnant

23 15:53:36


i want to know if my goldfish is pregnant can you please help me. my goldfish stomach is really big and it feels like swollen. i don't know what to do.

Hi William,

It's hard to tell from the picture, but as long as there's other Goldfish in the tank, and the tank is larger than 10 gallons, and it's acting normally, there's a good chance of it being pregnant.

Are the scales sticking outwards from the body? If so, the Goldfish is sick. I see a red spot on the middle of the Goldfish's body. Was that spot originally there when you purchased him/her, or is it new?

If you are seriously in doubt, and if you feel like the Goldfish is sick, I highly recommend treating it with a half dose of antibacterial medication such as

-Mardel Maracyn, Sera Baktopur, MelaFix, Tetracycline, etc.

If you notice ANY of the following symptoms, treat with a FULL dose of antibacterial medication immediately:

-Scales sticking outwards from the body (like a pinecone)
-Red inflamed sores on the body
-Fish acting strange or swimming sideways
-Trouble swimming, cannot reach bottom

Good Luck, and Hhappy Fishkeeping!