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stocking my aquarium

23 16:58:29

Hi Christy! It's me again. Tomorrow is the 4th day cycling my 30 gal. tank. So far, so good. Planning to eventually add 3 dwarf rainbowfish, 3 galaxy rasboras, 2 velvet swordtails, 1 3 spot gourami, 1 honey gourami, 3 tetras and a bristlenose pleco. Does this sound o.k.? I think this will be a good mix. They all seem to be pretty hardy and able to withstand the learning curve of a beginner. Of course, I will add them VERY slowly starting after my tank is done cycling. I decided against angelfish after much research. Would it be o.k. to go ahead and add my mollies now or should I wait?? The readings this morning were o.k. I think (I'm using 5 in 1 test strips-kinda hard to read) Is there a product that is better? My alkalinity and hardness were off this morning. Everything else looked fine.

Hey Kari
As far as the test strips, most of the fish enthusiasts you see on forums recommend the dropper test kits, I think it's called Master Test Kit.  I think those are a bit more accurate then the test strips.  Honestly, I use the strips as well though, except for my ammonia kit, it's the dropper test.  

As far as the fish you want, I think it sounds like a pretty good set up.  Only thing I'd be leery of, is mixing the 2 gouramis.  I've read quite a bit on them and personal experience, they usually don't like each other and one usually ends up being killed.  I've tried it a few times, and was always the same would find one dead within about 2 weeks time.  I've also read not to mix gouramis with bettas-male or female.  But, I do have 2 females in with my blue gourami and no problems.  A lady emailed me from another site, said she put a gourami in with about 12 female bettas.  By the next morning, all the bettas were dead.  So, I guess it's really gonna depend on the fish's personality, just keep an eye on them and look for fighting/bullying.  

You've got your new tank up and running, but do you have an ammonia source in there?  You mention the alkalinity and hardness, you're not using a ph up or down product are you?  

Let me know on those...
