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Pearlscale Fish Query

23 16:06:37

Tank Size: 40Ltre
Fish Inhabitants: Shubunkin, Pearlscale, Bubble-Eye, Red Cap Oranda
Ammonia: 0
PH: 7.5/6
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20
Filter: External Cannister
Aeration: 15cm Fizz Stone
Aquarium Salt: None
Treatments: Fresh Start Water Conditioner, Swimbladder Treatment


My question is in regards to my pearlscale fish. He has been sitting down in one corner of the tank for the past week and a half now. When he does move, he struggles to maintain balanace and swims awkwardly especially when turning direction. He is eating which is good and he does move around when I open the tank lid or turn on the aquarium light. I thought his symptoms were related to swimbladder disorder so I began treatment for this on Monday 3rd November. I have re-dosed on Thursday 6th November and have 2 more doses left to carry out. I haven't seen much affect and am beginning to wonder whether this is related to swimbladder at all? He is still quite stationary and is tilted forward when he sits. Can this be an internal bacterial infection? What steps should I take next? I am feeding my fish various fruits and vegetables becuase I know flake and pellet food causes bouyancy problems, its happened before and I've learnt not to feed them processed food. I'm feeding them peas, tomatoes, cucumber, orange and spinach at the moment. They all eat without any problems. I would greatly appreciate it if you could shed some light on this matter. Thank you.

Hello Ouzman:  Is the fish pooping???? I would add some aquarium salt to the tank and feed them brineshimp at least twice per week.  Salt is a necessary mineral for fish and the brine shrimp will help to provide other necessary minerals/vitamins.  Have you seen any improvement since you started the medication??? please let me know... dave