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Rainbow shark

23 15:34:28

Hi Renee. I recently moved my rainbow shark from my 38g tank to a 10g tank by himself. He had been getting rather aggressive with my other fish, i think it killed a couple of them before I realized what was going on. Now, I feel bad that he's by himself. So, two part question, 1. is 10g big enough for him and 2. should i put another fish in with him and if so what kind? Thanks, you've been very helpful before so I feel I can trust your answers!

Hi Kim,

I do recommend no other fish, unless it's another identically sized shark.

The 10g really isn't large enough for him.  As you know, they are fast swimmers.  Fast swimmers require more room to roam.

I would advise against anothr fish, unless it's an aggressive breed who can protect himself.  Barbs, and cichlids would be appropriate tank mates, but not small ones.  

Happy fish-keeping.
