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Pregnant Guppy?

23 16:01:52

Hello Stephanie:),

I have a 10 gallon aquarium that has been set up for a couple of weeks.  We just moved and everything seems to be going well.  I have one female guppy and one female black molly. They each had a partner but the male guppy mysteriously "disappeared" while I was at my dad's, and the male black molly died when we moved from unknown causes.  I think my guppy is pregnant. She has a gravid spot (I think that's what it is). I'm pretty sure she had it when we got her a little more than a month ago.  She has been lazing around lately and staying near the top of the tank. Does this mean that she will have fry soon?  I don't have a "baby-catcher" yet but I plan to get one within the next two days.  Hopefully she will have her babies, but I've read that it only takes about a month for a guppy to have them.  Is she stressed?  Is there any advice you have for me?  Also my molly had fry the other day and they seem to be doing well. Any tips?  

Thanks, Justin

Dear Justin,

  First of all, Congratulations on the fry!  Its always exciting to look in the tank and see babys.
  Your guppy could very well be pregnant.  It usually takes anywhere from three to five weeks for birth.  With my experience the female usually looks like she is about to explode before she gives birth.  Make sure to keep your water temperature at a constant between 68 -77 Degrees Fahrenheit.  Also, make sure not to move her or let her become to stressed.  In this case she could abort the babys.  
 It is another possibility that she is just showing signs of maturity.  At this time the spot will become darker and bigger, but this doesn't necessarily mean she is pregnant.  
 I wouldn't advise a "baby-catcher."  These are usually way to small to accommodate the fry and they usually die off.  Instead, try some floating plants.  You can purchase these from you local fish store.  I have had most success with Water Wisteria that I float in the top.  The babys will hide in it and I usually have a higher success rate.  In most cases the parents won't mess with the young as long as they are well fed.  
 I hope I was of some help to you.