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high PH levels

23 15:34:42


Our 90 Gallon Tank
We recently set up at 90 gallon tank about two months ago. This tank was used for snakes prior, however was cleaned. Over the last two months, we have been struggling with the PH levels. We have tried Proper PH, not using any chemicals,Brands that claim to Clear your water, EVERYTHING and no matter what we do the PH levels go up, the water gets cloudy and the fish start dying. The set up it really beautiful, and we did this to use as a relaxation technique, however all our wonderful, beautiful fish keep dying. PLEASE help

Hi Shannon,

Your PH can be lowered by using some peat in a netted bag, in a 2nd netted bag,inside a 3rd netted bag.  Put 2 cups in.  Flatten and bury it under the gravel.  Watch the change in the PH.

You are in an area with hard water, and so it's going to be difficult to get the PH to go my guess.

The trouble with PH additives is you add them, and then it just goes back up.

There are other chemicals contributing to the contining issue.

Nip them in the bud.  The peat will kill the PH issue.  It might darken water for a few weeks.  It WILL dissipate with time.


Write back all you like and I hope this helps.

Happy fish-keeping.
