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fin rot on my betta

23 15:34:42

hey :)
i have a 6-12month old purple veil fin betta fish , yesterday i noticed his fins looked like someone literally cut through the tail fin and left some straggly bits, it came very suddenly. so today i went out and bought some aquarium salt, ive made sure his water temperature is correct and ive disolved the salt in some aquarium water and added it to his water
im changing his water daily but do i do a full water change or only partial?
ive heard that the aquarium salt should solve the problem soon, but how would i notice if the fin is getting better? will it stop rotting or will it actually grow back ?

please tell me everything i need to know about fin rot and treatment :) because all the websites ive read say different things and its confusing

thanks :) take care


Yup it sounds like fin rot. Unfortunately it is not something that happens all of a sudden. For it to look like you are describing, he has had it for awhile. The aquarium salt will help but you might need to add medication to his water.I would get a broad spectrum antibiotic to add to the water. Make sure you follow the directions on the bottle. Stay away from Melafix and Bettafix as these are very potent medications and if used wrong can kill the fish. While doing the aquarium salt make sure you are dissolving 1 teaspoon per gallon of water. Make sure the salt is completely dissolved before you add it to his water or you will burn him. When doing the water changes never do more than 50% at a time. You do not want it to be changed daily as this will cause stress on the fish. Fin rot is a sign of bad water quality and is almost 100% preventable. Make sure his heater is set st 82 degrees at all times. Keep me posted on how he is doing and if you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask. You can also email me at since this might be easier than here at AllExperts.