Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Cant wait any more!

Cant wait any more!

23 15:34:37

I can't wait anymore, the Molly is supposed to be pregnant and her belly isn't getting any bigger! How slow is it supposed to go? She is the only Molly left in the tank and I want babies! How long does it take? I can't wait, it's too long!
P.S. I can't help whining!

ANSWER: Manahil,

I don't blame you!  She must not have been pregnant.  It's been so long.  Darnit!

I am waiting for the day you write to tell me she had babies!  Lol.

Go get her a boyfriend. :)


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

I'd love to get her a boyfriend but I don't think any guy is dumb enough to mate with the dead.
(2 fish left, guppy and barb)
I was waiting for that day too!
I'd even actually in reality dreamed at night in my sleep that in the morning I wake up and go to feed my fish. I open the tank lid, drop the food and not only the adults come up but little babies too! I was so happy, until I woke up. The dream was so real that I got up and checked my tank for and tiny life indications. I didn't find any and knew it was nothing more then a dream. I fed them and started my average life with a disappointing morning.
I'm sure I'll never get baby fish. No hope. The only fish left are a male guppy and a male barb. So bye-bye babies, unless I can get any other fast reproducing fish that can (by a miracle) live in the tank.
Bye 4 now.

ANSWER: Oh goodness, that's terrible!  I'm so sorry for you Manahil.

Consider another barb to be with the one you have.  They are very hardy...bye for now too.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

I cleaned both the tank and filter today. I promised my brothers that I'd let them choose my next fish. They told me that they were interested in the Platy and sword-tails. I don't know if they are available at pet smart, but we always bring a fish or 2 home from there. It is the only pet shop I can visit (ever since Walmart closed their fish place). I love fish, but I wish they were all hardy. Anyway, my Q is:

Are the platy fish and sword-tails hardy and would they have a over 65 percent chance of living for a long time in my 8 gallon?
Would they have a over 65 percent chance of reproducing?
How many could I fit in the 8 gallon with the guppy and barb in there?
Thanks again!

Hi Manahil,

Well, I would say that up to 6 fish would be fine, if they are small, but if you go with the swordtails, you have to compensate for size.  I'd only add 2 of those.

In fact, just add 2 for now.  Watch them and make sure they are doing well before adding another.  Maybe you should wait til next month to add another 2.

I can't put a percentage on the fish's survival.  A lot of that depends on your filtration unit.


I am happy you are getting new fish.  Great idea letting the brothers decide what to get.  It was so confusing thinking about it yourself, lol.
