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My black shark is not eating the plants

23 16:21:38

I got a black shark for Christmas and he is in a 40-45 gallon tank.  I got some plants from a fish store and I don't know what kind they are.  Well, I let the plants float at the top of the tank and my shark just looks at them and turns around to swish them away with his tail.  Should I get a different kind of plant?

I have one more question.  Which part of the plant do they eat?

Thank you.

P.S.  If you have a suggestion plant, then where could I get them?

ANSWER: Hi Carlee:  The black shark is an omnivore... it may eat plants or it may not... so long as it it eating flake food or pellets then things are ok... most of the flake food and pellets have vegetable matter in them... and are very balanced for fish.  He/She may also like some live food such as tubiflex worms or even brine shrimp.... dave

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ok.  I feed him dried blood worms.  Someone else told me that I needed to fedd him some plants.  I don't know what kind of plants they gave me, though.  I just want to know what kind to feed it.

Hi Carlee:  They mostly eat algae but not in the same way that an algae eater will... they like to pluck the algae off of the plants and will sometimes help themselves with a leaf or two... I could find no information about specific plants that they like... but since they are primarily from Malaysia you may try plants that are from that area.  I would also invest in some quality flake food for him... dried blood worms are good as treats but should not be his whole diet.... dave