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Water for Freshwater Aquarium

23 16:11:39

I understand that using tap water is best, due to the needed minerals, and treated with a conditioner, of course. This I have read on your site. However, my tap water has
ammonia and nitrite, these are bad for the fish, and the water conditioners do not get rid of these two fish killers.  Therefore, what kind of water should I use. Also, if I used a filter for my tap water, would it then get rid of the needed minerals for the fish?  Thanks for all your advise, your site has been the greatest assest to me, since I am a first time fish hobbyist.  My tank is 14 gallons and has three fish.  Water conditions are tested and perfect. I have a Tetra Whisper Filter for a 30 gallon tank, I change 15 to 25 percent of water weekly, my tank is a month old. Sincerely, Luanne

First of all, sorry for taking so long to answer this. My account password was lost, and it took the allexperts staff over a week to get back to me. Sorry. Now, on to your questions!

All water has a bit of this, how much exactly does yours have?

Also, good water conditioners like Seachem's Prime WILL get rid of these toxins.
