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blue jelly things

23 15:55:12

I have a 22 gal. tank with mollies, neons, striper fish and a floor cleaner, not the sucker looking type. We are careful not to over populate the aquarium and the aquarium seems stable, clean and I have happy fish. The Mollies are reproducing pretty well on a regular basis and although I have to many of them, the snails are keeping the tank clean. I scrape off the snails on a regular basis to control the population. This week I've noticed small blue jelly things on the rocks and the wood as well as the plants. I have not idea what they are or if they are something favorable to my peaceful tank or not. Have you ever heard of such a thing. They are transparent, light blue with spots on them and they've increased a lot in the past few days and I'm getting concerned. Any help you could give us would really be appreciated.


Hi CJ;

I happened to have a few minutes so I checked the question pool and found yours here...

They are probably snail eggs. Some species of snails lay their eggs in groups in a gelatinous blob. Some egg masses do look bluish. The spots inside them would be the snail embryos. You could take one of your  plants with them on it and keep it in a small container of tank water and see what happens. Find one with the largest "dots". They will be the most developed. Keep it in good light and warm and they should hatch out baby snails in a few days. If the water in the container is warmer than your tank they will develop and hatch faster than the ones left in your tank. It may give you a chance to find out for sure what they are before they are all over your tank and you can't control them by destroying the eggs.

Good luck and I hope you don't develop an infestation!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins