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Adding salt to aquariums

23 15:55:13

Hi. I have a 29 gallon tank and 2 10 gallon tanks how much salt should I add to the aquariums. I have 1 gold fish in each of the 10 gallons waiting to go into the 29 gallon after it cycles. Thanks Mike

Hi Mike,

There's no need whatsoever for your Goldfish. Goldfish are actually mildly intolerant of salt. The only need for salt in the aquarium is if you were using it in combination with a medication to eradicate parasites and promote recovery. If your fish are healthy, you do not need salt. The only freshwater fish that enjoys salt in the aquarium would be the Molly.

If you ARE in fact, treating illness, or 'just want to add salt' (not recommended), then one tablespoon per five gallons (2 table spoons for your 10-gallon tanks) and (6 tablespoons for your 29-gallon tank) will do.

Make sure the salt is Aquarium salt, for freshwater use, and not marine salt nor table salt.

Good Luck and Happy Fishkeeping!