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Eye infection

23 16:53:09

I have two saffron Mollies which both have a white lump that has recently developed above one eye, it doesn't look like Popeye as the whole eye isn't swollen, they both have a white lump where they eyelids would be and you can see it traveling behind the eye, Could it be the start of Popeye and I've just caught it in time? I cant find anything on the Internet it almost looks like a cyst squeezing out through the eye socket. Their eyes are clear not cloudy, eating fine but one hangs near the surface alot (the one who's got a bigger lump) Any Ideas would be great. Or any information on fish eye infections?

Dear Serena,
Wow, that's a difficult one. It's very hard to diagnose fish illnesses without actually seeing the fish themselves so the best I can do is my very best to guess at it.

Identifying lumps on fish is always extremely hard. It could certainly be the beginning of popeye but we can't be for sure.
It could also be a fungual infection or even a parasitic infection. And it could also be a cyst that not much can be done for it.
Symptoms: Nodular white swellings (cauliflower) on fins or body.
Is also a possible cause to your mollies eye problem. But this disease is really rare but unfortunately if your fish really have it, there is no known cure...
Here's a picture of it-

The best I can recommend is to do the least invasive treatment first. Try doing daily 20-30% water changes always making sure the replacement water is equal in temperature to that of your aquarium and properly dechlorinated with a good water conditioner everytime.  Daily water changes are great for sickly fish and help relieve stress.

Try using Melafix and Pimafix medications. These are safe all-natural fish medications which provide generally effective treatment for both bacterial and fungal infections and even some internal infections. I'm not guaranteeing though that these medications or water changes will cure your mollies but its good as a precautionary.
Try raising the temperature of your tank water gradually to about 80F. Mollies seem to be very stressed when the water is too cold and this also lowers their immune system.

Also, feed a good quality diet that is high in vitamins. You could even try adding some liquid vitamins to their food before feeding. I've used human liquid vitamins for my Oscar cichlid before. It couldn't hurt for them to have that extra boost.

I'm really sorry I couldn't tell you anymore and believe me I would if I could. I really hope this helps and feel free to let me know how your mollies are doing!
Best of luck!