Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > identify a fish?

identify a fish?

23 15:42:04

id baby fish
id baby fish  
QUESTION: Hi Matt, Would you be willing to look at a photo of a baby that showed up in my betta tank? There were actually two, but during a daphnia feeding, one was killed by the betta. I have cut out the live food after that. The babies just appeared in my tank as tiny specs after getting some hornwort for my tank. The one has been in the tank for about two months now and I've tried to get food to it, but it's difficult with the betta snatching everything and I don't know what it eats. I've seen it spit out some flakes that I tried. I also have 5 japonica shrimp and 5 ottos (plenty of plants and algae). It's a 30 gallon long tank.

ANSWER: Hi Janice,
The baby is probably from a hitchhikers egg on your hornwort plant.  It's hard to tell since it's still a baby and doesnt develop the full adult characteristics yet.  But from that picture it can either be a baby danio, baby chinese algae eater, baby saimese algae eater, or something else I cant think of.  The three fish I named out has the distinct mid line that the baby fish has but the tail is arrow shaped, the one in your tank has a plain flat straight tail is what throws me off.  Sorry I cant be much of help.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Matt, I really appreciate your suggestions. If it's a chinese algae eater, do you know about how big it would be, when it becomes a danger to the betta? I've heard they could eat a hole in a betta. Thank you again, Janice

Hi Janice,
Chinese Algae Eaters and Saimese Algae Eaters look ALOT alike.  They both grow to be very big 9-10inches, however the SAES are a whole lot more kind and gentle whereas the CAES become agressive.  One way to differenciate them is... the black mid line that is across their body.  The SAE has the line extending all the way back to the end of the fins whereas the CAE stops at the tail.  And also.. if you look closely at the mouth, SAE's should have 2 little barbs.  Your are right about the CAE eating a hole in the betta, they are known to be aggressive towards other fish.  But as of right now we are unsure of what it is.  