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tank cycling issue

23 16:07:31

Hi There,

Very much appreciate for your advice regarding my tank cycling issue.

I had a 1ft cube fresh water fish only tank.
The tank consist of 5 guppies, 1 platy, 3 silk fake plants.
I'm using a Eden 501 external filter with this bio media inside the filter. They consist of Mr Aqua bio rings, Seachem Matrix and Biohome Plus.
The mechanical sponge is place inside the tank attached to the filter water suction inlet.
The tank also had a extra aeration.

My tank had been cycling for close to 2 month now with no sign of completion.

Before reading was - Total ammonia - 1 to 2ppm
                    Nitrite - 0.5ppm
                    Nitrate - no test kit.
                    PH - 7 to 7.2
                    Temp - 32'C

1 week ago, my water parameters was as below,

Total ammonia - 4 ppm
Nitrite - 0ppm
Nitrate - 5ppm
PH - 7 to 7.2
Temp - 32'C ( I'm from Singapore, the weather here is hot
             all year )

I did a 50 - 60% water change after having the reading.
Added Seachem Stability and Live Bearers Salt product.

Next day, the water reading remain the same as before.

Water change again 3 days later 30%, Added Seachem Stability and Live Bearers Salt product.
After few hours, Check parameters still same as before.

Water change again 2 days later 50%, Added Seachem Stability and Live Bearers Salt product.
After few hours, Check parameters still same as before.

Today, did a 20% water change, Added Seachem Stability and Live Bearers Salt product.
After few hours, Check parameters still same as before.

I'm puzzled, what is wrong with my tank? Did I did it wrongly. How much water change should I carry out?
Is the bacteria not working in my tank?
My fishes seem to be doing fine for now. All replacement water had been treated with Seachem Prime.

Very much appreciate for your kind advice and help.

Looking forwards to your kind reply.

Many Thanks
Inn Ping Ng

I would get new test kits , someting must of changed by now!

Do this and do water changes 25% twice a week.

After a week of the two water chnages and buying and using the new test kits, follow me up and tell me the results :)

Good Luck   Jack