Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Betta fins tangles in hair algae

Betta fins tangles in hair algae

23 15:34:46


betta with tangled ven
I came home today to find my betta hanging upside down tangled in a plant that is infested with green hair algae...i snipped the plant as close to the tangled fins as i could, and moved him to a shallow bowl so he could be close to the surface (obviously very stressed and deprived of surface breathing for i dont know how long).
After he stops heaving and breathing hard should i snip off the fins with the algae or just leave the wad of plant material and algae attached-it definitely impairs his ability to swim... also if i should removed the tangled fins.. what should i use? (hair scissors, nail scissors etc)

I have read that fins will regrow but i am worried the stress of having his ventral fins snipped off will be too much for the little guy...

poor poor thing..

thanks so much for your help.. orry about the poor image quality... fyi the fins are very very tangled i dont see anyway they would be gently detangled without stressing fish even more.

thanks again!


 The best thing that you did was remove him from the tank into a smaller container. I would float the container in his tank so that the water stays at 82 degrees. He will need the warm water now more than ever. DO NOT cut the fin. That particular fin is needs in order to swim. Is he eating ok? I will have you give him salt water baths which will help kill off the plant still stuck to him. You will do this twice a day for about 4 days. As the plant starts to die, remove it from his fin. The salt water will help with the swelling of his fin. I would then remove the plant from his tank. Betta's do not need the plant so it would be in his best interest to remove it. Since he is in the smaller container you will want to do water changes every day. Make sure the new water is the same temp as the water he is already in.

Salt water bath instructions:

In a 1 gallon container dissolve 1 teaspoon of aquarium salt. Make sure it is dissolved before you put him in and that this water is the same temp as the water he is in. Let him swim in it for 15 mins the first day 20 mins the second day and half an hour the other days. Make sure you stay with him the whole time in case he starts to have a problem you can remove him. Make the salt water fresh every time. DO NOT use the same water twice.

This should help him out a lot. Let me know how he is doing in a day or so. Sooner if he starts to have other problems.