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Angel fish on side

23 15:34:45

HI Renee, I had asked you a question before and really liked your answer so I'm hoping that you can help with this also.
I have a veiled angel that has been on it's side for the last week. I'm assuming it has a problem with it's swim bladder but I'm not sure what advice to follow to help the fish get better. He is the only one of my 3 veiled angels to have the problem, and none of the other fish are affected either. I keep a clean tank, I don't think I overfeed, the water chemistry is always good, if anything maybe a tad high in ph ( around 7.4). Is there a way to get him back to normal?
Thanks, Kim

Hi Kim,

You can try to get him to eat some frozen peas, ground, to see if it's constipation caused.  If not, take him out and put him in a hospital tank at 80F, with filtration.  

Add Prazi Pro.  The other main cause of Swim Bladder Disorder is parasites.  Constipation and parasites are the top two reasons, in my own experience, so I recommend treating for both.

Prazi will treat internal parasites.  :)

It is very effective.

If he doesn't recover, it could be that his internal organs are too damaged.  The best course of action then, is to feed him and help him survive long as he can.  Sometimes that's for quite some time, but I do feel for your fish.  It's awfully sad.

He should be in 78F on a regular basis, also and fish with SBD often lay on the bottom because of the cold.  This makes them go "dormant".  

I hope this helps, Kim.  Please feel free to email back if you have to.
