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Ick and baby fish

23 16:49:22

I have a 55 gallon tank.  In it I have cichlids.  Convicts, Jack Dempseys, Blue Acara, and a green terror.  I also have common algae eaters and plecos, a fiddler crab and a crayfish.  I have baby convicts, I think they have just hatched.  I think the eggs were laid about 4 days or so.  I can tell they are hatching.  Well, I discovered the father has an ich spot.  I am not for sure which other fish might have it.  How can I get rid of this ick, without killing the b babies?  I also have two bichirs.

Wow, you are really overstocked.  The Jack Dempseys will outgrow the tank they are in.  The green terror should be in a tank of his own, he will get really aggressive.  Anyway, treating for ich won't harm the fry, but it would probably be best to separate them.  You can sometimes treat ich by raising the temp. to 82F and change the water frequently.  I personally use a general cure.