Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > twitching and darting angelfish

twitching and darting angelfish

23 15:35:04

Hi. One of my angelfish recently started twitching and darting round the tank, I treated it with a general aid medicine but it didn't seem to help. It then developed a slimy milky film over its body and its top bottom and tail it wasn't able to extend. It eventually died and since I've had another angelfish develop the same prob. I have checked with all my local pet shops but no one has been able to tell me what the prob is. I would greatly appreciate it if u could help

Hi Brett,

Check your water's readings today.

Also, make sure water is crystal clear (no yellowing) and that the filtration unit is maintaned.  Do a partial watre change of 25%.

I have no answers, yet, but I've seen twitching in angelfish before.  This is a sign water parameters are bad.  Everytime we checked them in the store, it was a water condition.

Mine didn't twitch, but I use store-bought water.  I buy it from a water fill station where people go to fill their jugs.  Many large chain stores have them.

When you can provide me with the readings from the water test, I will be able to answer your question more thoroughly, but I suspect this is a PH issue, and/or ammonia.

Slime coats protect the fish, but when harmed, the fish can't survive for long.

You can try adding a teaspoon to two teaspoons of seasalt per gallon today to see if that helps.  Dissolve it thoroughly in the water.  But, first, take the water to a pet store and ask them to do a test strip reading of it for you.  Write down the readings and let me know.

I can help you better with more information.

Also I need:
The temperature in the aquarium
Make/model of filter
Aquarium size and specifications
How long it's been running
Water changing habits
Filter maintenance habits
What do you feed this fish
Tankmates, how many and what kind and sizes

Thankyou so much.  I hope meantime the salt will prevent any bacteria or fungus from setting in.


Looking forward to your followup.
