Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > My rosy barb is sick, need an expert opinion

My rosy barb is sick, need an expert opinion

23 15:57:27

Hi, one of my Rosy Barbs is very sick, he is loosing his skin, it looks like open wound. Here is a link to the fish forum where I posted a picture. Please, let me know if this looks familiar to you, I am having a problem identifying the disease.
Best Regards,

Hi Alex,

I don't see the link where you posted your picture. Perhaps you forgot to add it.
Without a picture, it's difficult to tell, but the wound is most likely a bacterial infection. Open wounds are not usually associated to any other type of infection (parasitical, fungal, etc.) Treating with an antibacterial medication, such as Maracyn, will help. Change 30% of the water first, before adding any medication. Remember to follow the directions on the medication carefully, and remove the carbon from the filter.

Good Luck, and I hope your fish recover!