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black molly breeding and sexing

23 15:57:28

i am a stater and i want to know how to identify m/f for mollies and breed them

Hello Selva,

I decided to take this case from the first expert you asked, because I myself breed mollys. first off it is really hard to try and identify their sex so I would just buy around 6-8 mollys from your petstore and chances are you well get a male and female. Also to breed them all you have to do is put them all in a fairly small tank, just around 10 gallons would be good. And just to worn you they have around thirty babies at once!! so you have to be prepairded with food and places for them to go. but they just breed themselfs threw out the year.

If you would like any additional information on this please let me know threw a follow-up

Exp. Mike M