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Tetras with ich dying

23 15:42:25

I recently found signs of ich on a danio and a Columbian tetra in my tank. I also have two other danios, two neon tetras, another Columbian tetra, two swordtails, a mollie, and two serpae tetras along with two plecostamus. So, I medicated the tank for ich using Ick Clear from Jungle Tank Buddies. Now all my tetras are dying, the danios seem fine after an initial shock. I followed all package instructions and used half of the recommended amount. Now I am wondering if there is anything I can do to save the rest of the fish (the two neons and one serpae are now dead).

Hi Kendra,
Sorry to hear about your fish troubles.

Its possible the medication may be too hard on the fish. Or the ich may be a very strong infestation. Or the medication may be destroying the biofilter and causing ammonia to spike... this is a very common occurrence when having to medicate fish in the aquarium. It is best battled by doing big water changes during medication treatment to help keep the water quality tolerable. Water changes are also helpful in removing excess parasites free-swimming in the water.

I'd recommend you do a very large (50% or more) water change every day on the aquarium. This goes against most medication directions but it is indeed vital for your fishes health.

Make sure the temperature of the aquarium is warm (about 84 F) to help treat the parasites faster and keep the fishes immune system up.

You might want to switch to a different medication. There are many new ich medications available now that are more natural and nicer on the fish. I haven't had any ich outbreaks myself to have a chance to test these meds out though.

When I have had outbreaks of ich with wild sunfish, catfish, and other species. A combination of a very warm temp (84-86F), daily 50% water changes, and the medication "Quick cure" treatment hasn't failed me yet.

I hope this helps!