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gold fish behaviour

23 17:01:23

I'd like to ask a question about gold fish.
I have recently got two (golf ball size) fantail gold fish.
They live in a 20litre bowl with lots of fresh weed an airater (bubbly thingy) and get regular changed water.
I let the water stand for a day and check the pH before i add it to my tank. They seem to be happy.
However just recently one has started following the other around.... VERY closely like nose to tail, the do this allot, it is a bit bizarre to watch.
The perusing fish doesn't appear to be aggressive, but looks very annoying to the smaller fish, and sometimes bumps his head into the other fish.
They have also become very noisy at night re-arranging the pebbles.

Is this normal? What are the they doing?

Regards Jess  


I would not worry about this odd behaviour. Odd behaviour only becomes dangerous if one of the fish is being injured, or one of the fish appears ill. I would say from the sounds of it that maybe your goldfish is simply establishing his territory. And the rearranging of the pebbles is also quite normal. My cichlids take mouthfuls of pebbles and move them around their tank as well.

I hope this helps.
