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fresh water convict fish

23 16:57:57

why is my fish laying on bottom of my tank afloat on his side but not dead?

Dear Shelly,
There could be many things causing your fish to behave in this manner.  He could be feeling sick from a bacterial infection,constipation, possibly being attacked by another fish,if there are other aggressive fish in your tank, or it could be that the water conditions are not quite right for him and it is making him feel sick.  There are just too many different possibilities to pinpoint which thing could be causing his problem.  I would probably do a fairly large water change--maybe at least 1/3 of his water and add a really good water conditioner to the replacement water.  Make sure the temperature of the replacement water is the same as the tank water.  Also, be sure to vacuum the gravel to remove any waste that might have accumulated. Sometimes the conditions of the water will change and there can be an ammonia increase or nitrite increase and it really makes fish sick.  It would probably be a good idea to check your water with a test kit to see if ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels are safe.  Also, if you could buy a water conditioner that helps to remove ammonia,nitrites and nitrates, along with the neutralizing of Chlorine and Chloramine, would help your fish.  Hopefully, improving his water will help. Try it and observe him to see any changes.  Sometimes, fish are just too weak or ill to improve, but hopefully this won't happen.  Convicts usually are tough little fish and can recover.  Best of luck.
Hope this helps!