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Web site!

25 9:16:29

Hi Karen,
Err...sorry but i am a bit busy at the moment, i will give you a detailed answeron how i keep my arowanas. I just dont have the time.
The main reason why i am writing this is letter is because of my domain. I have a blog at . There are some photos of my aquarium, but the problem is that they were taken 4 years ago when i had a digital camera and i didn't have the latest equipment. My digital was broken when  i went for a trek in a nearby hill-range! The photos are not of good quaality and one photo is not mine but my friends.

I have a doubt...what are the suitable tank-mates for a pair of Blood Parrot cichlids?(the hybrids)

P.s: Sorry but i am just too busy with Shadow, my Australian Red-Eye bunnies.Bye!

Srinvas, that's Ok, I was only curious...

~Yeah, I would really like to see your aquarium but I can't get the website you provided to work! No matter what I tried. Oh well, maybe it's my computer. Sorry about that.
I'll try again later...

~*Hybrid parrot cichlids are pretty easy going fish for the most part. I've had really good luck in keeping them with Angelfish, Paradise fish, gouramis, larger tetras, and rainbowfish. Even though they are cichlids they usually don't have a very aggressive nature. They can be pushy to other fish, but they can't do very much damage. I have found they are very fond of hunting and catching fish an inch or less and trying their best to make a snack of them..Although small cherry barbs and zebra danios aren't that safe, it seems small Julii Corydoras aren't considered snacks for Parrots ;-). One of the drawbacks of these hybrids is that some individuals are born not being able to close their mouth do to their deformed shape. It's quite sad, but they CAN still eat and thrive. If you may, I would like if you would avoid the dyed Parrot cichlids. As the dying process can be cruel and the bright purble, blue, or pink color will fade within a few months. There are natural colorations of parrot cichlids and the best way to find those are the small greenish, bland looking babies. Within a short time they will develop an natural looking orangish coloration with some black markings, mainly on their fins--Resulting in a most unique and beautifully colored fish.
Hybrid Parrot cichlids are really cute and make very tame aquatic pets with little training to get them to eat from your hand. They will never fail to greet you at the front of their aquarium either!

Well, I hope this helps! Best wishes And take care,
((good luck with Shadow!))