Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > medium-beginner has a question...

medium-beginner has a question...

23 16:24:09

I went to the pet store a few weeks ago and I got 2 golden rams (a male and a female), and I also picked up 3 neon tetras.  My established 10-gallon tank already had a lonely rummynose tetra in it, and I added the new friends with no problem.  Probably 2 weeks have passed since then.

Today I did a 1/3 water change, just like the guy at the pet store recommended.  Now the water is cloudy white.  I understand the cloudiness is part of the nitrogen cycle, but I want to know if its safe for my fish and if I did something wrong in the water change.

I use a PUR water filtration system because the tap water here in Portland Oregon is kinda gross.  I also use "Tetra Aqua Aquasafe" water conditioner in my tank.

Please let me know if the white cloudy water is safe for my fishes to be in, if there is something better I could use, and anything I am doing wrong.  I am completely open to advice!

Thank you,


Hi Ethan,
Cloudiness does occur sometimes after a water change. But it should really be uncommon with established tanks. If a tank hasn't been getting enough frequent water changes then that may be the cause. Increasing your water change schedule can often help.

Probably what has occurred is a bacterial bloom from everything being disturbed around in the tank. It may be that the tank is still kinda new and not completely established yet. Newer tanks are more suceptible to this. Try increasing your water changes for a little while. Trying doing at least twice a week than say just once. It may help. Regular frequent water changes can really help in preventing cloudiness.

Best wishes and Happy fishkeeping!