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Cloudy eye

23 16:05:47

Hi holli, ive just bought 2 Bolivian male rams and put them into my community tank, when i came to inspect them after i turned on the lights 2 hours later one of them has a cloudy eye and seems to be hiding under the plants, he isnt as yellow as the other one either please help...thanks liz

Hi Liz,
I would take them back to the store and return them. The ram has a cloudy eye because he was sick when you purchased him. Even though there were no signs of sickness when you bought him, the shock of transporting him into a new tank brought it out. His sickness could of resulted from poor water quality, overcrowding, bacterial infections, nutritional deficiencies, or many other problems. If you wish to keep him you could medicate the water, but your better off returning him. If you can, isolate him from the other fish so they do not become sick. Hope all goes well for you. Any other questions feel free to ask.