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Adding fish?

23 16:08:17

Hi Nicole!

I have an Eclipse 5 Hex that I recently added three danios to. They're not sick (at least not that I can tell); they're actually very active and seemingly healthy, aside from the fact that they hover near the top whenever they see me, looking for food (champion beggars). I was wondering about the inch-per-gallon rule. I was originally given the danios as a gift along with a 1.5 gallon tank, which after researching I realized obviously wouldn't work. I've since moved them to the 5 gallon tank and they're doing MUCH better. However, in my research I also found out that danios are happiest in groups of 5 or more. Since it's a 5 gallon tank, would I be able to add two more fish, or are the danios just fine in groups of three? In the 1.5 gallon tank, I had one bullying the others, but in the new tank, they all chase each other and it doesn't seem aggressive. I just don't know if I should add a few more since they do best in groups, or if my tank would be considered too small for that.

Thank you!!

Hi Andrea,

I am really sorry for not getting back to you sooner. My computer has been acting funky, it may be on its last legs...guess it's time for a new one after six or seven years! ;)

I used to think danios were the perfect fish for small tanks...for tanks that were 10, or even 5 gallons. They are so small, they don't produce much waste - compared to a big messy goldfish, they are definitely a breeze to keep! It is also fun to watch their behavior, as you say they are easily conditioned into begging for food constantly. Also, they are active and breed readily (except most of the time, unless you do something special, they eat their eggs).

So what's not to like about putting them in a small tank? Well, since they are so active, the theory goes that they should have at least a 15 gallon long so they'll have room to go back and forth all day, as they like to do. A smaller tank than this just doesn't give them the room they need to exercise...and the lack of space could make them nippy to each other. I have zebra danios in a 29 gallon tank along with odessa barbs and corydoras, and I can tell you, they do use up every bit of space! However if I were in your shoes, I would go ahead and put two more danios in. It won't hurt anything...I just want you to be informed that while upgrading to a 5 gallon tank from a 1.5 gallon tank was a HUGE improvement, these are fish that are happiest in long tanks with enough space to suit their activity levels.

I have a feeling I know just the tank you mean - those 1.5 gallon "glowlight" kits from Walmart for $20? When I saw those, I did a huge eye roll. To think, I was there picking up a 10 gallon kit for $35 - more than 6x the volume and an infinitely more practical tank, for less than double the price! Obviously, these $20 tanks are decorations more than anything. It troubles me the way glowlight danios are used as "nightlights"...but I guess there's nothing I can do to stop these kits from selling, other than inform my little slice of the public.

If you are looking for something to do with that tank, you might find it makes a neat little habitat for a snail (like a mystery snail) or a few ghost shrimp, if you can find them - usually sold as feeders.

I hope that helps, take care.