Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > re : Molly attack dwarf gourami

re : Molly attack dwarf gourami

23 17:02:48

hi there . My male molly is attacking a dwarf gourami i have . So badly , it is now cust at the side . He just won't leave it alone . The female swordtail is also now trying to have a nibble . Do mollies and Gouramis get on well ? i have been told they do . But this male molly will not leave my gourami's alone . I am worried i am going to end up with a tank of dead fish !!!! please help .

hey david,
i never had good luck with gouramis and mollies getting along.
I have the opposite problem that you have. I have a big killer gourami that murders everything in my tank. I had many mollies doing great, and all of a sudden they all got ripped apart. any time I add a molly it gets attacked by him.
What I would do is either wait until they all fight it out and see what happens, or buy another tank.

If you decide to buy another tank, you can put in the gouramis and then make it a tank for gouramis, and the other one can be a molly tank.

if you decide to let them just fight it out, then when there seems to be only one breed of fish left, you can focus your tank on fish of that breed.

hopefully this helps you with your tank problems. the only thing you can do to help the injured fish is to some how seperate them, but that will most likely require a new tank.
good luck with your tank, I hope everything works out!
best wishes, chelsey