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I have a 29 gallon tank with...

25 9:21:28

I have a 29 gallon tank with a filter, gravel, and air pump, some live and fake plants, a heater, and a variety of fish.  The fish are...3 Cherry barbs, 2 pearl gouramis, 3 black neon tetras, 1 angelfish, 2 sunset platies, 2 marigold swordtails, a baby guppy, and 2 catfish which can grow up to 5 inches( I am not sure of the name, but I think they are rubber-headed catfish), 2 knight gobies, and 1 dwarf puffer.  If I were to turn it into a planted aquarium, what would I need, would i be able to keep the fish, and what problems would I possibly encounter.  I would also appreciate aome good plants.  Thanks.

If you want to do aquatic plants, the first thing that you need is good lighting. When purchasing light, make sure you get at least 2 florescent watts per gallon of water. It is better to get 3 or 4 watts per gallon. Most plants do ok under regular tap water, but you will need to do regular partial water changes. The fishes that you have are OK, but you'll probably want to get rid of the catfish. You can replace them with a few cory cats.
Some good plants to start out with are: amzon swords, Vallisneria, Java fern, Cryp. wendtii varieties, anacharis, hygrophila, wisteria. Most good tropical fish stores can give you advice about the plants they keep.
Hope this helps,
Good Luck