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GREEN 55 gallon tank

23 16:34:38

I have tried everything from water changes to trying the chemical to clearing up the water.  I also kept the light off for 2 days and did not feed the fish.  All ny levels are okay just a little high on the nitrate.  Please help me get my tank crystal clear again.  I have no live plants just African & South American cichlids.

I use a magnetic cleaner to get rid of algae on the glass of my tank. One end sits outside and the other end sits inside so it follows your movements that you make on the outside, because of the magnet.

Do you have a good filter in here? That will really help, especially when you scrape it off the sides with the magnetic cleaner, the filter can then suck up the algae.

You can try having Giant Tropical Snails these will also take care of the problem and you won't have to do anything! They love eating the algae. Loaches and Catfish will eat some of the algae too.

With this combination hopefully it will take care of your problem.