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Gouramis and new tank mates

23 16:50:47

I just have a quick question. I have a 20 gal tank filled with 2 little giant gouramis, 2 three spot gouramis, 1 pearl, 1 moonlight, and a pleco with a penguin bio-wheel 200 for a filter.  I was wondering if it would be ok to add a few angle fish to the mix? Or would that be pushing it?

Thank you Erika.

You just might be pushing it right now. Giant gouramis grow up to 2'. They at least need a 50 gallon tank. Plecos grow up to 1' so she/he would need a 29 gallon tank. Everything else is fine, adding a few angelfish would be pushing it. They grow up to 6" and are aggressive and territorial. Hope this helps! :)