Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Diease


25 9:01:36

I have dollar fish with white spots which looks like water bubbles now my bala shark is starting to show the same signs - I bought a product in the store for "ick"/ It has been over two weeks and nothing is happening the progression has seem to slow down but no cure/ How can I get my fish tank back on track? what are the causes and how can i avoid this problem in the future once resloved?


Maybe this is not ick. It could be a fungus or another kind of parasite. Heres some ideas of what it may be, you will have to match it to your fish based on his symptoms.

It could be velvet if the spots are small and yellowish white. Most parasite medicines can cure this but I would recommend Coppersafe by Mardel.

It may be worms or other external parasites, which Coppersafe would also be able to treat.

If it is a fungus, it will be larger clumps of white that may look like cotton or greyish white material. Treat with a fungus cure. I recommend Pimafix if it has cotton like growth and Maracyn (another Mardel product) if it is greyish material.

I hope this helps.
