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small flea - like bugs

23 16:14:00

Dear Karen,
 I noticed the other day when i was feeding my 9 inch Oscar that there were millions of small flea like bugs covering the rocks at the bottom of the tank. . .  I took a closer look at his body and didnt see them on him at all.  His behavior seems to be normal - i have just never seen that in any of my tanks . . if you could shed some knowledge on the situation i would greatly appreciate it. thank you

Hi Jeremy,
They must be some kind of aquatic critters that often get into aquariums one way or another. There are many types of aquatic invaders like this and they usually are not harmful and typically just scavengers.

The best way to treat them is to vacuum them up as much as you can everyday. Sometimes they may get under your hood and cover as well thriving on algae and moisture accumulation. So wiping that off might be helpful also.

I hope this helps!
Have a good weekend!