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Fish species compatibility

23 16:45:06

I am interested in introducing a green spotted puffer fish into my freshwater community, however I don't know if the fish will get along.  It is a tropical community but I'm not sure if the puffer fish is aggressive, semi-aggressive, or what.  If it isn't compatible with my existing community, I would like to know what kind of set up I will need for another community for the puffer, such as temperature, etc.  

Hi Neal
No, not a good idea.  GS puffers are aggressive and won't do well with community fish, or rather the community fish won't do well with the puffer.  Plus, they usually are sold as fresh water, but should be in a brackish water tank.  Then when they're adults, they'll need a high brackish to salt water conditions.  Also, it's generally recommended to only have 1 GS puffer per tank.  They may be fine getting along as juvenilles, but tend to get aggressive to one another as adults.  

A 20-30 gallon tank is best for them-30 being better.  Mine does best with a temperature around 78F.  Mine loves frozen bloodworms, frozen krill, and cut up pieces of cocktail shrimp.  Used to love live brine shrimp, but can't find that where I've moved to.  Also it's a good idea to feed them some small "pond" snails, the ones that people try to get rid of that show up in their planted tanks.  The crunchy shell of the snails helps to keep the puffers beak trimmed down.  

Some silk plants and rocks and caves are good decorations, nothing sharp though-obviously.  Here's a great link with info on puffers, click on brackish puffers, then it's the center photo on the bottom:

Hope that info helps, and good luck!  Let me know if you have more questions.
