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Severums and 3 dot Gourami

23 16:40:24

Hi Karen,
I have 2 tanks.
10G -- contains 6 tiger barbs and 4 juvinile(2cm) Sevrums.
100G -- 6 gouramis (all color morphs of Trichogaster trichopterus), 2 juvinile angels, 2 silver dollars and 1 pleco(suckermouth).

I was given these unwanted severums by my friend and since nobody else wanted them, i kept them with my tiger barbs and they are doing fine. The tigers keep busy with themselves and dont bother the severums. But someday the severums will outgrow the current tank and I was wondering if it would be okay to keep the severums in the 100G tank as I read that severums are peaceful, or is there any other alternative you can suggest?

Hi Kenny,
With your rescued Severums, I think they would do great with the other fish in the 100-gallon. They can be rather peaceful for a cichlid, especially if raised from a tiny size with other fish. If you could, I would add the severums to the 100-gallon now to insure they get use to the other fish and can start growing up with them. Unless of course you have the severums in quarantine or are waiting for them to put on some size. But it should work out fine.

I really hope this helps!
Best of luck!