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tall or long tank?

23 16:30:00

I have kept cichlids for about the lst 10 years. I am thinking of purchasing a
tank with the dimensions of 4ft long, 2 ft deep, 2.5ft tall....I am wondering if
African cichlids would prefer a tank like this or a standard 125 gallon that is  
6ft long?

This tank is pretty tall and deep so there will be many hiding spots as there is
room for lots of rock and plants. Also with a tank 2.5ft. tall how high can I
safely stack rock? Thank you!!

you can keep more fish in the standard 125.
more surface area, more free swimming room.
However, if you wish to go with your original plan that would be fine as well.
Remeber there are issues with deeper tanks, hard to get in to to service you are in up to your neck.
You can stack the rocks as high as you wish, make sure they are secure.
You may want to silicone them together before you add water to the tank, that way they will remain in place, downside is that you are stuck with the display as cemented into place.
Short answer, either will work, its a personal preference call.
If you have further questions, feel free to ask.