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upside down catfish

23 16:07:32

Chris, I purchased a standard upside down catfish (I do not know the scientific name although i think synodontis is in there somewhere) on July 12, 1996.  I do not know how old these fish are when they are put up for sale, but mine is, of course, nearing or has probably recently passed 13 years of age.  Is this an unusual life span for this species of fish?  Also, I noticed tonight that his eyes seem to look whitish, as though he has cataracts.  Is this possible?  Also, how do you sex one of these fish?  I also have a Pakistani or YoYo loach that I purchased January 28, 1997.  Is this an unusual life span for this breed?  Thanks, Tim Kees

Hi Tim;

That is quite old for both fish! You must be doing a very good job! Cataracts would be pretty normal for any older pet so I would expect that. Upside down cats (Synodontis) can be sexed by comparing fish to each other so it will be difficult if you only have one. The female is lighter in color and usually rounder in the belly. The male is darker and thinner by comparison.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins