Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > jack dempsey looks like losing scales

jack dempsey looks like losing scales

23 15:22:39

QUESTION: 29 Gallon tank, running since June 2011, has cycled.
Temperature: 79
ammonia (NH3/4): negative
nitrite (NO2): 0
pH: 7.0
GH: hard (150)
KH: moderate (80)
nitrate (NO3): 40

Problem fish: Electric Blue Jack Dempsey
Other fish: Electric Yellow, Red Jewel, Acei

The problem fish has been in the tank less than a week, most of the other fish have been in the tank for several months.

Fish are fed: Once per day -- New Life Spectrum Cichlid Formula and/or Tetra Cichlid flakes and/or Hikari Cichlid Gold

Gravel clean and 1/3 water change every ~2 weeks. Tap water sits for 24 hours before being put into tank.

The new guy is missing patches of scales and is rubbing on rocks/decor. It is not fuzzy it looks like he is missing scales. This morning I noticed this whitish film on a plant and was worried possible slime coat. He has been eating and swimming around. He has clamped fins and has been swimming erratically. He looks pretty rough and we're hoping for some good advice. We added salt, increased the temp to 80 and pulled him from the main tank today...

ANSWER: Tara, First this dempsy came into your tank with parasites. This is why he is rubbing also known as Flashing. I am going to tell you a very easy natural way to get rid of this problem that is safe for everyone. Go and get Coppersafe. It will be three tsp.. Add this to your tank and do not remove your filter carbon. This is a mineral not a medication therefore will not leave your tank for about 30 days which will more than complete the life span of your parasite. After your treatment do a 50% water change new filter and you should be fine with that. Treat both tanks !!!!!!!! This fish itself is a mess. While he is in isolation I would treat him with Tetracycline. He definitely has a bacterial infection if you catch it quick he may be ok. I would also add some stress coat put it right over him if you can not in the water. Turn the heat back down in your main tank unless you end up putting him back in it. Salt is
always good for cichlids it helps them absorb and release the water more easily which is how they drink and receive some of their oxygen. If you do a cleaning before thirty days make sure to guestimate the amount of water taken out and add more Coppersafe. If you have no heat or your isolation tank is not set up all the way you can do all the same treatment in with your other fish nothing you are going to put in there will hurt anyone. Your copper and salt are both minerals and do not evaporate the only way to remove them is with water changes. Your copper will filter off abit. You should be feeding at least twice a day better than overfeeding once. I would also make sure they get their greens. They love peas and it helps with constipation which may lead to swimbladder problems later. Don't forget to crack the shells and take them out later. You can also get a veggy clip (just a clip with a suction cup)and you can give them blanched or frozen spinach, kale, some even eat fruits since they live under fruit trees. Try different greens get a bag of frozen mix. Let me know how he does. Good Luck, Tina

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I ordered bio bandage because the teramycin i found had bad reviews. I have malafix on hand but wasn't sure if that is okay to use. Also one of my fish I have had from the beginning started to get black pigmentation on his body and seems less active... any ideas? Thanks again!

ANSWER: Tara,  Melafix is not strong enough for his problem. Yes it is all natural made from tea trees in Australia. You have a bacterial infection. I have no idea where you heard it was bad I will use it before Maracyn or anything else and I not only have been doing this for a long time I am working on my grad in marine biology. Which you would not use in salt water only because it turns it Tetracycline that is a great broad spectrum antibiotic. It is rare but there is a chance a fish may have a reaction just as we do. The only time I do not use this if there are ulcerations and  or bleeding because it does not react well with anemic fish. Trust me. You can use the Melafix it won't hurt. I just don't think your going to get results quick enough to save him. Though realistically when your dealing with sickness and life you never know there are so many variables. This is what I think your best course of action is based on my experience and education. Inevitably it is your decision. I want the best for you and your pets. Let me know how he does whichever you choose. DO NOT forget to treat that tank for parasites no matter what or all your fish will be flashing soon and then you will have a bunch of boo boos to take care of. O.k.....Good Luck, Tina

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I treated both tanks with coppersafe... What brand of tetracycline do you use. Petsmart had one brand and everyone rated it as not working so I want to do what is best for my fish. I will order whatever brand you tell me but in the meantime I wasn't sure if i should use malafix or not. Thanks for all your help!

Tara,  Great job!!! Now lets deal with your dempsy. No Melafix. The brand they carry is fine. If you have put some Melafix in there its ok still treat with the Tetracycline. The only thing is sometimes one of the minerals in the natural Melafix reacts with the synthetic Tetra and it may give your tank a pink tinge. Only time I see this happen in freshwater. It will not change the medicinal effects of the Tetracycline. If this happens we will deal with it. It is safe and can be gotten out. : ) Time is the thing with fish . So go get the med and let me know how everything is going. , Good Luck, Tina